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my interpretation of Hawaii: Part II

Introduction to the Snow

Miracle Musical

Introduction to the Snow

          Introduction to the Snow starts the story 
          with the line, "Alone at the edge of a 
          universe, humming a tune." This lyric, along with the following ones, detail how the protagonist, Simon, is alone. His life is pretty miserable, and he claims that "only two can make it light." He needs someone in his life that can help him love himself again.

Isle Unto Thyself

Miracle Musical

Isle Unto Thyself

          Simon decides to push himself into the world, 
          taking a vacation to Hawaii. There, he finds a 
          girl who has his exact same problem, that they "were an isle unto thyself" until they met each other. They were both alone, afraid to love for so long. They both thought that love was just a facade and that it
"[camouflaged] under strife." After a long while of deciding, they decided to jump into a relationship, feeling that it would benefit the both of them.

Black Rainbows

Miracle Musical

Black Rainbows

          This song is pretty short, but it holds a lot 
          of meaning. It details Simon and Stella's 
          growth as a couple and how they learn to open up to one another, Simon finally "[seeing her] smile.". They continue to go out together, finally going outside and seeing the rainbows shine in the sky.

White Ball

Miracle Musical

White Ball

          Simon starts having doubts about his decision.
          He thinks that even though the relationship is
          going well, it could fall apart at any moment, and he should save himself the sadness and break up with Stella now. However, Stella still thinks it can work out, saying that today can be renewed. Simon agrees, saying that he can be a new person for his girlfriend. Throughout the exchange, Simon knows there's something else nagging at his mind, but he tries to ignore it.


Miracle Musical


          Taking one last shot at love, the couple
          visits a forest for a picnic. Simon knows the 
          woods are dangerous, but he keeps the information hidden from Stella, not wanting her to worry. He tries to keep her safe, worrying too much about the surroundings that he fails to realise that Stella is no longer by his side. He hadn't noticed her absence, the "shadow of nobody there," until she was already gone. He spends most of the song hurriedly trying to find her, thinking all the while that it should have been him. He should've been the one to go missing in the woods, in a very dangerous situation. "Her for him or him for her." Finally, he found a clearing between the trees as the twilight arrived. At the edge of the clearing, he'd finally found her. As the hands of the Erlking disappeared through the trees, Stella fell to the ground. Simon watched her stop breathing as he realised all that he went through to keep the relationship, all of it, was for nothing at all. And now, he had nothing to do.


Miracle Musical


          This song is from Stella's perspective, as 
          she makes her way to heaven. She is reluctant,
          however, as she thinks that "leaving the earth behind is impossible." Throughout the song, she details how she doesn't want to die, she wants to leave heaven "on standby" so that she can continue to be with Simon. Unfortunately, her dream can never come true, so she tries to tell Simon that she "must say goodnight", hoping her message can reach him somehow.

The Mind Electric

Miracle Musical

The Mind Electric

          Being the only real person near Stella as she
          died, Simon is accused of killing her, and 
          since he can't viably tell the judge at his trial that the spirit of the King of the fairies killed her, he instead pleads insanity. Because of this, he is sentenced to electroconvulsive therapy, where he loses his mind, becoming confused for longer than is commonly known to be possible. After the therapy, he can no longer understand what is happening in his mind. 

          The title of this song describes exactly what 
          is happening in Simon's brain. He is stuck in 
          an endless maze, with no way of escape. He's "running in circles" trying to leave his own mind. All he really wants is to get Stella back, to know that he's safe with her. To know that she's safe. He feels more and more fatigued the more he tries to break out of the labyrinth.


Miracle Musical, Shane MauX, KAYE


Time Machine

Miracle Musical

Time Machine

          Simon, almost at his breaking point, looks 
          back on how his relationship with Stella went.
          He wishes he could go back to when they were both safe, when they could still enjoy each other's company. He goes through their time together in his head, until he reaches the forest, and he gives up. He can't go on without seeing her again. He has to do something, but after leaving Hawaii for his trial, there isn't much he can do to go back...

Stranded Lullaby

Miracle Musical

Stranded Lullaby

          After contemplating his choices in Time
          Machine, Simon builds his own raft to try and 
          float to Hawaii himself, just so he can see Stella one last time. "Dreamt debris" and the line describing a "fantasy [making] lucid sense" tell of how Simon still suffers from the confusion caused by the ECT, and that his judgement is clouded. Because of this cloudiness, he eventually gets lost in the middle of the ocean, losing his way to the island that caused his misery.

Dream Sweet in Sea Major

Miracle Musical

Dream Sweet in Sea Major

          Dream Sweet in Sea Major ends the story with
          the line, "Alone at the edge of a universe,
          humming a tune." Simon reflects on how far he's come, and how much he's lost, as the song uses lyrics and motifs from earlier songs. This song is exactly 7 minutes long, and there are studies that show of 7 minutes of neural activity just before death, which could be a reflection on the life of the deceased. These studies lead me to believe that right at the beginning of the song, Simon dies at sea. Finally, he is at peace, getting to ride the elevator to heaven where he sees Stella again, with the lines, "Apart is wholly ending," and "We never meant to part." The final part of the song, "One light, higher than the sun, invisible to some, until it's time," ends Simon's flashbacks on his life and entrance into a paradise where he and his girlfriend can be together until the end of time. It describes how he finally reached his true destination, being heaven, finally safe with Stella, knowing she is safe.

Anything to mention?